Personal History Website

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Tucson, August 26, 1967

Dear Family,

I am keeping my fingers crossed and almost holding my breath, because that exercise board
seems to be helping Mother’s knee. It is a bit too early to tell because the unwanted exercise has caused
her a lot of aches and pains in other areas. I even got on the thing and I’ll admit that it exercises a lot of
muscles, (especially in the “pot” area) that had not been exercised in a long time. Keep Praying.

We received a nice long letter from Marta which rather changed out plans. She has asked her
Mother in Law to help out during the time of the Baby’s birth. She, Mrs. Wilson is quite thrilled. It
seems that her other Daughters in Law rather ignore her when anything important occurs. We too are
satisfied with the set-up. I am sure Mrs. Wilson is better able, physically to cope with our darling
Granddaughters, than Mother.

Our tentative plans now are to go to Utah for conference the 1st of October. We were going to
Bill and Fran’s and watch it on TV, but since they have quite corresponding with us we will probably
camp out someplace near enough to Salt Lake to catch it on the radio at least. Then we will go on to
Marion’s. We received a letter from Mary Ann the other day. She said that while her Mother had not
gone back to drinking coffee, she is wavering. Actually all the information we have comes from Mimi.
We have not heard a word from Marion verifying or denying.

I am back P eyeing again. I had a case in Nogales Arizona the other day and interviewed the
widow of a colonel regarding it. When she found that I too was a retired Officer she really let her hair
down, even religion entered the conversation. She said she was a Catholic but was not very satisfied
with that church. When I told her I was a Mormon she became very interested. The uphot? I referred
her to the Missionaries.

We may get a case in Guadalajara. I am trying to get to drive down so I can take Mother, but
those kinds of cases seem too good to be true and usually fizzle out.

We received a letter from the “Old Salt”. He is aboard his ship, which he says, can hardly be seen
for all the scaffolding around it. He says it will not be in commission before December. How is the chow
aboard ship David? Is your rate still SN?

We went to Stake Conference last Sunday and saw Don Pederson and family. He was David’s
teacher in Ft. Huachuca and asked about him. He is teaching now in Patagonia. His boys are taller than
their father.

There is no other family news I know of. We continue to have home evening with the
Jaspersons. We can realize now just how important this program is for a family with children and I hope
you all participate.

Mother joins me in sending all of our love.


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