Personal History Website

Monday, September 27, 2010

November 10, 1967

Dear Family,

We received letters from Rina, Marta and David this week, so you know who is going to get the
first three copies of this decker. Rina did not have much to say, except everyone is well and that Scot
and Julie won prizes at the Church Halloween party. She says there is a Negro family there who are
members of the church. I am anxious to receive a report on them, whether they are active etc. I noticed
in this morning paper that Dick Gregory says he will back Romney.

The Wilson family are fine. Bob is working his head off in school trying to make up for the time
lost during “Operation Stork”. The Smoggy Mckays, the Wilsons, (Elder ) and us will meet there for

David is “between girls” again and wrote us a nice long letter. He got a government driving
license and is assigned part time as a driver. You never did say David, whether or not the full crew was
aboard, but you talk of sleeping barracks so I take it they are not. I hope you get your camera back by

For the benefit our teenage daughters I want to pass along a definition of a “Hippie” I heard the
other day; “He is a man who thinks he looks like Tarzan, but who actually looks like Jane and who smells
like Cheetah”.

Mother is feeling a lot better, although her aches and pains shifted to her shoulder last week and
it was quite painful for a couple of days. We attributed it to the weather, which was unsettled and
cloudy. We play golf at least once a week and sometimes work on the new chapel. I was out last week.
They issued me a shovel and it almost killed me. I have not been back since. Last night Mother did not
take any pain killer and she slept quite soundly all night. She is trying to get along without medication as
much as she can.

We talked to Marion the other night. Bob, who has had a long siege of work stoppage, is
working again and Marion too is on the go for Sears. She wants us to come out for Christmas, but I don’t
think we could go then and in February too. It would be just too much traveling for Mother. We went to
Phoenix last Monday to see your Aunt Grace who was visiting Gene and family. She looked quite skinny,
having recently been operated on in Portland for gall stones, but was very chipper and feeling fine.

We are just about through reading Skousen’s “Fourth Thousand Years” which covers from David
to Christ. I was amazed at my ignorance. He includes recent archeological discoveries, and weaves their
translation into the story of the Jews. The prophecies of Isaiah and Jeremiah make us wonder if it is
not; “later than we think”.

Mother joins me in sending our Love,

Vaya Con Dios,


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