Personal History Website

Sunday, June 13, 2010

April 6, 1967

Dear Family,

Shortly before we left Hawaii, a job opportunity opened for Frank. This job would give him a higher rating- a 13 and would put him back in the maintenance field, but as supervisor. The job was in Guam. It would be good future wise, as there are many slots for jobs of that type in the Mainland very few slots in the field in which he now serves. Then just before we left Frank heard that his immediate boss in Hawaii was going to Washington and he felt that he had a very good chance of being named to fill that slot. A couple of days before we left he told me that he had seen the list of applicants for the Guam job, that it contained people who were already 13s, so he did not see how he could possibly get it. The upshot was, that they sent in a man for the Hawaii job and Frank was given the Guam job. Dios Dispone. They are leaving Hawaii on May 26th.

Buena Suerte Stobbes, Vaya Con Dios. What are you going to do with your family of cats? I am sure Lane will want to take them along. Tell him that I am very sorry that someone clobbered him with a bat. Would you please tell the ward clerk to expedite the transfer of our records to Tucson 1st. We want to get a new Temple Recommend and I don’t think we can get it without our records. Tell Julie we would like to read some of those letters she has been writing.

Marta, Candy’s Birthday party sounded like it was fun. Was the new pup a birthday present.? As long as it is a police dog you might call him “Fus”. I concede that you now have a place to keep a dog and that it will be relaxing for Bob to train him. An untrained police dog is as worthless as the fleas in his ears. I wish you had been able to get a dog like the Rice girl’s Queenie, but I’ll agree they are few and far between. Thanks a lot for sending along my check. I have changed the address here so you won’t have to bother about it for awhile. When we leave this address I will ask you to take care of it again or maybe I will bother Lloyd next time.

Que paso Lloyd, con mi encargo? I took Mother to the Doctor this week. He did not give her much consolation about her leg. In fact things are worse than before. He gave her some new medicine for her heart and she has had a constant headache ever since she began to take it.

It seems to me that it is about time we heard from some member of the Rice Family. It seems that we never hear a weather report, but that we hear of bad weather in the Sierra Nevadas. Are you ever going to have any summer?

I am afraid that Mother is beginning to loose her itchy feet. When I suggest we go some place, like the White Mountains fishing, she demurs. Unless she feels better I am afraid she might chicken out on that Oregon trip.

Mother joins me in sending all our love.


April 11, 1967

Dear Family,

Well, we booked for Space Available yesterday. We were informed that we should get a flight out within from four to five days, which should get us in to Travis on the week end. That should make it about right for us as we should get to see David, if he is not on duty. If you are David, trade with someone.

The big news is that Marta has been quite ill and to top everything off they are moving to a new house they recently purchased. We received a letter from her Saturday. She says she is much better and is able to help with the move. They are moving on the 19th but she did not give me the new address. Maybe our prayers helped. Even the children were remembering her in their evening prayers.

We finally got a few sunny days at the beach. Mother was able to wet down her bikini and acquired a most resplendent sun burn. She has been sleeping on her tummy for the past few nights. The Stobbes came out and joined us at our beach cottage last Friday and Saturday. The children had a ball, digging for crabs.

I would like all of you to start thinking about the 1968 family reunion. We will hold in some National Forrest, where the kids can run wild, but I would like know when you think you can get away so that we can coordinate our plans. I know a year is a long time, but if we don’t start thinking about it now we will never prepare for it. So send along your ideas!

Lloyd, Marta says that she has not been unable to contact you by phone lately. We hope every one is well, especially Jon. (I hope you get mad enough to spit) I will call you from San Francisco to determine when will be the best time for you to meet us at the airport. If it is possible for you to get our car we might take a trip to that airport where we got lost in the fog.

Marion, if you learn of anyone that is going to the Oakland Temple about the time we will be there try to get us a ride with them. We would sure like to go through it. It will be closed when we go through there this summer. There is nothing else new here, Con Favor de Dios, we will see some of you soon.

All our Love,


April 25, 1967

3819 E. Farr Place

Tucson 85716

Dear Family,

The above address is the “sus Casa” the telephone number is 326-0665. We were reluctant to move into this house as it put us in a Ward we did not want to be in. The house is owned by Brother Jesperson and he would almost give it to us rent free so that we could be close to them. He completely renovated the house. Installed a new bath, (shower) and bought new dressers etc. We just did not have the courage to tell him no. Mother as usual when something like this happens, had almost worked herself sick, but she does have the place looking somewhat like a home and has unpacked some of her “chivas” that have been in storage. We will stay here until we go on our trip with Lloyd in June, so you all have an address and there is no excuse for not writing. This house would not be too bad except for the neighbors on both sides. One of them, a Mormon is semi-retired and spends a lot of his time looking for bottles in the desert. His house looks like a tribe of drunken Indians lived there . Bottles, bottles, bottles. Bottles piled high in the patio, bottles on the roof, bottles in the driveway and bottles in the windows. I would not be surprised if he had bottles in his bed. On the other side is a Mexican Family. We had scarcely unpacked our suitcases when the little Mexican Girl came to the door to borrow a piece of soap. I imagine it was just to check us out. We must have looked pretty poor as she has not been back since.

We spent a couple of days with Marta and Bob, trying to help them finish their move. I was not of much use as it was raining and I had a hard time doing anything except breath. Lloyd and Carol were coming over but Mark came down with some ‘bug’ and was running a high fever. Hope you are better Mark. We missed seeing Brian. Lloyd and Carol sent us some precious pictures of “Himself” just before we left Hawaii. How about some late pictures of Lloyd Edward? He must be big enough now to dig potatoes.

The paper last night indicated that it was raining in Hawaii, San Fran, and L.A. and snowing in Lake Tahoe and Utah. At least we have sun here although it takes Mother quite a while to become reconciled to Arizona. She stops speaking to me when we reach Yuma and says nothing pleasant when she does talk. She is getting acclimated again though. We played golf to-day for the first time in months.

Lloyd, while we were in Hawaii, Rina was given an exercise board for holding some sort of “hen” party, (like Tupper ware). Mother used this board and it seems to have done her back a lot of good. We cannot find one here. The only name she could find on the board was “Fun Board” made in Compton California. It is a composition board and about 12” square sitting on a base board about 10” square with ball bearings between the two boards. You stand on it with hands against the wall and twist the body through the turning of the board. I understand Compton is near you. We would appreciate it if you would try to locate this company and ascertain where we can purchase the board. We hope and pray that Mark has recovered.

All our Love,


Sunday, June 6, 2010

March 18, 1967

19049 Schmidt St. (Marta’s) El Monte, CA

Dear Family,

We received a call last Friday morning at 3:00 A.M. alerting us for air shipment at 6:30 A.M. that same morning. Needless to say Mother and I did not sleep after we received the call. As Mother said, it was the usual Army, “Hurry up and Wait”. We did not board the plane until 9:00 A. M.

Travel for G.I’s is not the same as it was in my day. Our flight was on one of the newer United jets-pretty stewardesses, a hot breakfast, movies etc. We saw “Texas Across The River” and I will have to admit I got some laughs. Our seat companion was a 1st Cav. Div. Staff Sgt. Who had been two years in Viet Nam. His morale was still high, but he could not understand all the “back biting” in this country, the parades, the burning of draft cares etc. Nor could he understand why Hanoi was not bombed. He maintained that this would end the war immediately.

It was cold and drizzly when we arrived in San Francisco and has stayed that way ever since we hit the main land. Marion picked us up at Travis. She is quite the business woman. She has no set hours, but works when she wants to. Bob is working steadily again and is fortunate that his work at this period is inside. He has put their place up for sale and talks of moving to a small town area.

We flew to L.A. yesterday and feel as though we walked half the way. The loading gate of the PSA air lines seams to be miles from the ticket office on one end and the baggage pick-up on the other. A representative of the L.A. Police met us as well as the Wilson Family. I would have gone on to Tucson yesterday, I felt so bad, but Marta and Bob have not quite finished moving and there are little things that Mother and I can do- mostly Mother of course.

Their little house can be fixed up very nice. They have an enormous (for Calif.) back yard with beautiful roses, a very fancy barbeque, (built in), several fruit trees, with an orange tree in fruit and flower.

Marta just returned from registering Candy in school and is very pleased with the new school, which is only two blocks away.

Again, we wish to thank Stobbes for your wonderful hospitality. It was not your fault that the weather was so lousy.

All our Love,


March 20, 1967

Dear Family,

You can thank Betty and Renee for this decker. We did receive a letter from David, but I wrote him a Special Edition. He will be four more months at T.I. and is trying to decide where to go on leave at that time.

Betty, you Goof! Twenty five minutes from Carson City to Tahoe is just too fast! Especially with that old car! Take it easy, those girls need you. I am impressed that you are impressed with a book about the Mormons, (The Giant Joshua) by Maurine Whipple), even though it is evidently written by a woman I will try to read it as it takes a lot to set you back on your heals. Speaking of books, If Carol has finished “Latter Day Saints Then and Now” I will try to get them to send it on to some of you. Rina got hold of a copy here and read about 100 pages before she had to give it back. She says she can hardly wait until she gets her hands on it again. That book will answer the questions you ask me. Speaking of Carol, I can realize that when that “little bundle of joy is awake, no one could do anything except watch and play with him, but he does sleep a lot……..?

The big news here is that Mother finally got a new bathing suit. The purchase of a new bathing suit started long before we left Tucson. Every time she went shopping for a bathing suit, she would come back with this story; I just could not find a bathing suit to fit me so I bought a new dress, or shoes or something” This went on in California too. I will admit she looks nice in this one. She has lost 10 lbs and believe me, she looks lovely to me. I can still go for that woman.

We have not heard from Marta since we had been there. This is unusual as she is usually our best correspondent. I hope there is nothing wrong Marta.

All our love,


March 25, 1967


Dear Family;

Johnson sure fouled up our weather. It has been raining ever since we left the mainland. We accomplished nothing and should have enough sense by now to stay home. Mother has only worn her new Bikini once. When we were here last year she was in the ocean every day. We plan to go back to the Bellows recreation center on the 2nd and stay until the 12th. We could have sun by then. We will then apply for air space available and should be out of here by the first of May. We will call you from Travis Marion. With your promotion and new job you should have no trouble getting off and meeting us (she is now outside sales woman for Sears, or outside representative).

I have heard so many times; “I would write to her or him, but I don’t have the address”, that I am enclosing a list of family addresses. You might APRIL FOOL someone by writing a letter:

McKay Bill P.O. Box 505 Roosevelt, Utah 77m

McKay Lloyd 1841 Bessamer St. Reseda, Cal 91335 213 345-5833

McKay David S.N. Class 6628 R,ETA.,T.I. S.F. 91430 Thru T.I. Locator

Meeker Marion 970 Appian Way, El Sobrante, Cal. 94803 415 CA3-2320

Rice Betty & Bob P.O. Box 7306, South Tahoe, Cal 95705 415 641-8213

Wilson Family 11704 Hemlock, El Monte Cal. 921732 213 442-8213

Stobbe Family 645 Pauka, Kailua, Oahu Hawaii 96736 259-467

You will note that Betty’s address is new, even though she still lives in the same old place. I doubt very much if you could have found it David. Mother and I have a big hassle every time we go. That place is really getting confusing.

Congratulations on the new job Marion, or should I say position? According to the papers, new construction is booming again- at least that is what Johnson says, so Bob should have more work than he can do.

I don’t know how I can possibly drive our old “Ugly American” after driving a high powered Chrysler for these many days. The Stobbes were really fortunate in acquiring that car. It is an older model of course, but has lower mileage than our Rambler. It was really owned by a “little old lady Kahala”. The motor is so quiet that you can hardly hear it, and it does not consume as much gas as their old chevie.

In spite of the rain everyone is well or sniffely. Mother’s knee is not much better, but we are hoping it will improve somewhat with sunny weather, if.

How is Brian Jon, (maybe I can make you angry enough to bawl me out –by letter). I look his pictures over every now and then and wish I could see him. I hope I can see him when we go through L.A. although we only intend to stay long enough to pick up our car and hit the Highway. We will fly into L.A. any way we come and will keep you posted as to the date. We still have not heard from Marta.

Nothing else new here,

All our Love,
