Personal History Website

Sunday, June 13, 2010

April 11, 1967

Dear Family,

Well, we booked for Space Available yesterday. We were informed that we should get a flight out within from four to five days, which should get us in to Travis on the week end. That should make it about right for us as we should get to see David, if he is not on duty. If you are David, trade with someone.

The big news is that Marta has been quite ill and to top everything off they are moving to a new house they recently purchased. We received a letter from her Saturday. She says she is much better and is able to help with the move. They are moving on the 19th but she did not give me the new address. Maybe our prayers helped. Even the children were remembering her in their evening prayers.

We finally got a few sunny days at the beach. Mother was able to wet down her bikini and acquired a most resplendent sun burn. She has been sleeping on her tummy for the past few nights. The Stobbes came out and joined us at our beach cottage last Friday and Saturday. The children had a ball, digging for crabs.

I would like all of you to start thinking about the 1968 family reunion. We will hold in some National Forrest, where the kids can run wild, but I would like know when you think you can get away so that we can coordinate our plans. I know a year is a long time, but if we don’t start thinking about it now we will never prepare for it. So send along your ideas!

Lloyd, Marta says that she has not been unable to contact you by phone lately. We hope every one is well, especially Jon. (I hope you get mad enough to spit) I will call you from San Francisco to determine when will be the best time for you to meet us at the airport. If it is possible for you to get our car we might take a trip to that airport where we got lost in the fog.

Marion, if you learn of anyone that is going to the Oakland Temple about the time we will be there try to get us a ride with them. We would sure like to go through it. It will be closed when we go through there this summer. There is nothing else new here, Con Favor de Dios, we will see some of you soon.

All our Love,


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