Personal History Website

Monday, May 24, 2010

February 10, 1967

645 Pauka, Kailua, Oahu Hawaii


From this you will note that we did not fall in the drink. We had a very pleasant trip. Mother had a window seat, (there are three seats in a section), on the other side of me was a very pleasant seeming girl. It was not until we started to come in for a landing that we found that she was a Mormon-a student from BYU, here to help an Aunt, who was ill.

We found the Stobbes all well, although Lane had just recovered from a siege of colds. He was the same old Buddy I left her a year ago. Rina immediately took Mother in hand, weightily speaking. She has her on a strict diet and I feel better about the whole thing. I was beginning to get worried. The heavier she gets, the worse she feels.

Betty, the news in your letter just about caused me to “bust a gallus”. I don’t know when I have received better news. I wouldn’t have been too surprised to hear that Bob took one of the girls to a Father and daughter affair in church, but the fact that he enjoyed it almost floored me. Maybe our prayers were answered. I will here make a public retraction about their girls being unbathed. Betty says she bathed them even, if she had to wash them down with melting snow. Me, I would have rather stayed BOish!

I am very glad you decided to let the girls go with us this summer. Our tentative plans are these: Lloyd and Carol will meet us at your house on or about the 23rd of June and go on to Oregon with us, so we will have quite a caravan. They will have their own camping outfit and we should have some good times. I wish you and Bob could get off and go with us, which, knowing how you hate camping, is very wishful thinking.

Hey! You “Buckaroo” McKays, how about a letter telling us how you passed the winter. I realize that storms are “Old Hat” to you but we would like to know how you all, especially Lloyd Edward, stood the winter. I know that winter is not over, but I hope the worst of it is.

I knew this would happen! They have had very pleasant weather in Hawaii until the McKays came. It rained all night last night and is still raining. That is par for the McKay’s course. It is not cold though and it felt good to sleep without a “dunce cap”.

Bob and Marta went away for their little excursion last Monday and returned Wednesday. I did not ask where they went, but they both looked more-----relaxed? Shall I say.

Thanks for your phone call Marion and for that matter yours too Betty, although 4 am is a heck of a time for a phone call. Only night nurses and owls would think of such a thing. Tell Renee that we are very proud of her good grades and that I will write her later. Right now Lane is outside making motions to me through the window. The rain has stopped and he wants us to fly a plane.

Marion, save your copy of the Decker for David. We received a very nice letter from him at Martas. Keep up the good work boy, we are proud of you. The son of a friend here went into the same Service. He is just starting at San Diego. His name is Uda.

All Our Love,


PS to Lloyd, Thanks for the pictures. I am sorry I was such a doubting Thomas. I thought you had been tied up, any way you know me- chomping at the bit. When they lowered the barrier, I was off in a cloud of dust.

PS to Lloyd from Grandma, Thanks for coming to the plane.

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