Personal History Website

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

April 17, 1968

Dear Family,

We enjoyed our stay with the Wilsons and the McKays, but our trip home was quite hectic. We
hit high winds most of the way home and at one point West of Indio, we drove for miles, (or so it
seemed), through a blinding dust cloud. We could not see the road, so we got behind a vehicle with a
tall silhouette and stayed on his tail until we emerged.

It seems lately we have been experiencing a number of firsts, besides driving in a dust cloud.
Most of these firsts happened in the Temple. There was another one when we went with Lloyd and
Carol. It seems there were too many people going through the marriage and sealing session, so they
pulled all those who were not close relatives of the bride and groom and formed another group. Even So
the room was full with those of us who were left. We did not get out of the temple until two o’clock.
There were quite a few of Carol’s relatives as well as friends from the Ward. Brian has penchant for
flipping light switches on and off. A few weeks past, the McKays attended Sacrament meeting in the
Wilson’s Ward. Somehow, they haven’t quite figured out how, Brian found the switch and left the
Sacrament meeting in darkness. When they brought him into the sealing room, which is illuminated by
beautiful crystal chandeliers, he looked up and said: “Ah, lights, lights!” I immediately checked the walls
to see if any switches were in his reach. He was very much a gentleman during the ceremony.

We found letters from Betty, Rina and David when we returned home. We were indeed pleased
to hear that David had received a promotion. We realize that the navy gives only earned promotions,
and he had to be on the ball and do a lot of studying to get it. His ship is presently in San Diego where is
will undergo a further course of training. His grade is now ETR2 and his address is the same. Why don’t
you drop him a line?

Rina was taking Scot to school when someone ran into her. The reason she had been taking him
to school is because the school bus had been in an accident. Scot should be getting gun shy soon and be
riding his bike to school. Congratulations on you’re pitching in the little league Scot. Your “Hole-in-one
and not hitters make you the only claim for fame this family has sports wise speaking that is.

Betty loaded up her “Bevy of Beauties” and paid Grandma Rice a visit in concord. She has a pool
and Betty said the girls really had a ball. They are so used to swimming in Tahoe snow water that I
wonder how they could stand that warm pool. Betty has promised Marta that she will let Robin visit her
for a while after school is out. Even though it puts my nose out of joint, (she would not let Robin visit us
last year). Marta has developed a bad knee; something like Mother’s and is having a hard time getting
around. Her own girls help her a lot, but there are a lot of things she can’t do.

Marion, we are still waiting for a letter from you. I told Mimi in my last letter to her that we
were tentatively planning on going to your house, if it is all right with you.

Vaya Con Dios,


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