Personal History Website

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Tucson, May 16, 1968

Dear Family,

We have the chickenpox in El Monte, (Rinda and Wendy now) and David is in the hospital, (ships?
) with a broken wrist, bruises and contusions. He fell off scaffold, or the scaffold collapsed with him
while painting aboard ship. Mother talked to him so I did not get many details.

Mother had quite a nice Mother’s Day. Most of you called. The cards were all late but Rina’s
and that went by way of Manila. Bill and Fran’s card was, “par for the course”, three days late, but it was
worth waiting for. They enclosed beautiful color pictures of all the kids. Lloyd is almost as big as the
twins and looks very McKayish. He must be a well behaved child. My contribution to Mother’s Day was
to get her a corsage and take her to dinner.

You “Smog Smelling “ McKays will get this one more issue because of your phone call, but this is
the last! From the cooing and aahing when she opened your present I gathered she was quite happy
with it. She will undoubtedly write and thank you for it.

Betty you are no help! Just when Mother was getting reconciled to her new job you write
something like that! The other day I picked her up at Relief Society and she came out crying; “I’ll never
get relieved of that job now.” she boo hooed. When I asked her what had happened she said that all the
mothers of the girls in her Primary class had come to her individually and had thanked her and told her
how much more interest the girls were taking in Primary. I think that she too is becoming attached to
her 11 year olds. Last Sunday they sang a Mother’s Day song and you should have seen the look of pride
and affection on her face.

We got a letter from Julie and she says in affect; We are leaving on the 5th of June, on the 5th of
June we are leaving. They expect to stay a few days in Hawaii and visit with and Marta, so it will be
toward the 1st of July when they get here.

I have a talk on Sunday in commemoration of the restoration of the Aaronic Priesthood so I had
better get with it.


Vaya Con Dios,


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